A random assortment of my daily activities and ponderings. Maybe it will be boring, maybe it will be mind-blowingly exhiliarting. It is a grand experiment in exploring the brilliance of this thing those crazy kids are calling the "World Wide Web".

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Um, well it has been awhile, hasn't it? LET'S CUT THE PLEASANTRIES. We all know that I haven't written in this thing since July for one reason and one reason only. No one reads this stinking pile of cow manure that I like to call SERIOUS JOURNALISM anyway. I'm not sure if it's because no one takes me seriously? Insert melodramatic question and answer session with myself concerning the purpose of my life and how this blog somehow fits into my meaningless pith of an existence.

Okay, snap back to reality. WHOOPS there goes gravity. Thanks to Eminem for that. What? Okay, I'm going to go now and post something immediately after this that maybe has more substance.


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