A random assortment of my daily activities and ponderings. Maybe it will be boring, maybe it will be mind-blowingly exhiliarting. It is a grand experiment in exploring the brilliance of this thing those crazy kids are calling the "World Wide Web".

Monday, April 11, 2005

Fear- consider it conquered

I finally conquered my fear. I am meeting 1 on 1 with my biology teacher- eek! He is so TALL. No laughing allowed, I am so intimidated by this man. But alas, I have set up an appointment with him for the sole purpose of trying to understand the more-scientific-than-it-sounds concept of DNA slippage. 1 irrational fear down, approximately 3 to go (drowning, hand injuries, and styrofoam). The no laughing rule still applies here- you're all just as big of freaks as I am, admit it!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why styrofoam?

12:17 PM

Blogger Hay Whitay said...

Styrofoam is the devil. Or at least the devil's most trusted friend from third grade (when everyone else made fun of him). What was I talking about? Oh yeah, I don't like the sound of styrofoam...touching other styrofoam. EEEEEEEEEK

10:13 AM


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