A random assortment of my daily activities and ponderings. Maybe it will be boring, maybe it will be mind-blowingly exhiliarting. It is a grand experiment in exploring the brilliance of this thing those crazy kids are calling the "World Wide Web".

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Italian Movies

So we watched this brilliantly odd movie in Italian class about this guy named Andreuccio (it's part of the Decameron and we just finished reading the story of Andreuccio in Italian). It's a great movie, but the department happens to only own the version that is dubbed in English. Upon first hearing this, the rest of the class (much to my dismay, but not to my surprise) sort of sighs. I, on the other hand, am doing imaginary cartwheels in my head (ONE HANDED cartwheels, mind you....with merry music in the background. And angels! Singing!) because what could be better than a movie that I can actually understand?? AND, no less, it will give me a chance to actually understand the 40 page story that I just spent 3 weeks translating and yet, somehow, got nothing out of.

Haha, it was a great day. You thought there was more to this story didn't you? Well, no. There isn't. But the movie's dubbing was really funny and yes, these lines were actually included in the dialogue:

"The crapper broke! I fell in! I am choking in a pile of shit!"

"Praise the Lord these turds have turned to gold!"

-"Up yours, thief"
-"Yeah, up his!"

Scratch the bio major, maybe dubbing is my calling. Hayley Whit-ay. Dubber.

(Nevermind, that sounds like "dumber" with a cold....I'll stick to the science)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The crapper broke! I fell in! I am choking in a pile of shit!"


-"Up yours, thief"
-"Yeah, up his!"

omg, those quotes are the funniest thing i've heard in forever.

hayley, this blog is a light in my otherwise less light-ful life.


1:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote something about Hayley's blog in my blog. By the way, blog is kind of a gross word. Free association time. Ready? OK! GO! Blog.....barf....blog brains....blog....blah.

The word's just not doing it for me.

8:55 AM


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