A random assortment of my daily activities and ponderings. Maybe it will be boring, maybe it will be mind-blowingly exhiliarting. It is a grand experiment in exploring the brilliance of this thing those crazy kids are calling the "World Wide Web".

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Google I Like You

Thank you Google quote of the day for concisely describing my thoughts on the study of ecology. I guess that's a bit redundant (the study of the study of the earth), but anyways:

Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.
-Nikola Tesla

Yeah Reice. Go eat your sickly wife's food.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you write like you talk, and i think that's a good thing. it makes me happy, because it reminds me of the funny things you say. (note: i'm referring to "I guess that's a bit redundant (the study of the study of the earth), but anyways")


1:40 AM


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