A random assortment of my daily activities and ponderings. Maybe it will be boring, maybe it will be mind-blowingly exhiliarting. It is a grand experiment in exploring the brilliance of this thing those crazy kids are calling the "World Wide Web".

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Convo with B-rad

So, Brad is a funny guy. I'm really glad I stumbled upon his screen name because now we can have random conversations, talking through each other's names.... that made a lot more sense in my head, but if you think about it (hard for you blonde folks out there, I know) it is perfectly logical. Brad, you are my idol. If only I could spell definitely "definately" as well as you.... O! To be in Indiana at a school I can't pronounce...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...hey, no dissin' the blondes! Blondes rule!

6:46 AM


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