A random assortment of my daily activities and ponderings. Maybe it will be boring, maybe it will be mind-blowingly exhiliarting. It is a grand experiment in exploring the brilliance of this thing those crazy kids are calling the "World Wide Web".

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Kids Pick the President

Thanks to one Mr. Carpenter, I discovered the delight of the message boards posted on Nickelodean's "Kids Pick the President" polling place. Good gracious it reminded me of why there is a legal voting age! I've selected a handful (or 5) of my favorite, most ignorant, most hilarious messages posted by kids! For your enjoyment...

He is not TOO OLD. If you look it up men would die around their 80's.

Obama CANNOT lower gas princes they go up or down on their own.
The gas prices go UP if WE use TOO MUCH.
It depends on how much gas we have.
McCAIN will actually keep the tax prices the same for RICHER PEOPLE. and lower for the LOWER CLASS PEOPLE.

John mccain is to old how is he suposesd to think of the futer when he aint gonna be here

she has no clue how to run a country obamba does (*obamba! I love it! It sounds like a Latin dance!)

Sarah Palin is awesome and soooo ready to be in office..

i agree creationism is sooo important!!! not evolution thts just not right!
McCain-Palin '08

Sarah Palin is not creppy, she is the coolest person ever. And i think every one should vote for Mccain -Palin

WHAT IS ONE THING OBAMA WANTS TO DO GOOD FOR THIS COUNTRY...UM WHAT MAKE IT SOCIALIST OR MAYBE EVEN COMMUNIST. O and how will pulling out of the war right away gonna help us...um it will make us look weak and if u didnt just listen to the liberal media ppl would see that we r actually helping over there and we should just finish it and make them completely stable. O and obama has never done one good thing while in an office he just lies constantly like half the stuff he says is lies (*I have to say I'm impressed by the number of 4th graders that seem to know ALL about socialism! And we should just make Iraq stable- duh!)

the polls aren't counting absentee ballots.... SO GO MCCAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont watch CNN its completely biased.
You need to watch all different news channels.
Fox News Channel is actually the most fair news channel and they tell it how it is.

both candidates are good choices but i truly believe mccain would help the war in iraq AND the economy. i watched the debates and i am staying with my man. mccain to save america!! and by the way mccain is not like bush. bush wasn't even that bad in the first place. (*yikes!)

3 reasons u souldnt vote 4 john mccain and sarah palin:
1.He wants 2 take gas prices up
2.He going 2 make the world bad to live in
3.They want 2 take over the whole world
If u vote 4 mccain then thats u but vote for obama
if u want a change cause we need a change

I do not agree with you nybaby31. I think that McCain would help students, like me, earn a better education. I'm not that good in school, and I think that if McCain wins the election, then he will help students learn better.

Yea and why is Obama good for president? Like the other user said Obama wants to give money to the poor... that means for people who earn their money it is all going to be given away to people holding up signs and faking diseases! GO JOHN MCCAIN AND SARAH PALIN!!

I completely disagree when you said Bush was a bad president. Because it's not his fault bad things happened when he was in office.On 911 it was the terrorists! Bush didn't have anything to do with it!!!!!!! (*you're right...Bush did not steer a plane into the WTC. And the next 7 years went peachy)

Obama's taxing the rich is going to drive their money into other countries pockets!!!

My Bible teacher is also a High School debate teacher and he has said that McCain has won every debate so far.

Obama has way more experience. Sarah Palin is just some person from Alaska. Being the govoner of alaska is not a hard job. Have you heard of one problem coming from Alaska? It's not that being a regular person is bad, it's just do you really want someone like that running the country? I want someone smarter then me running this country! *CoughsomeonewhowenttoHarvardwouldbenicecough* (*Coughibetbeinggovernorofalaskaisstillharderthanbeinginthe7thgrade*)

i believe that McCain's war experience is very interesting, but IDONT THINK I WANT SOMEBODY WHO HAS BEEN A PRISONER OF WAR THAT LONG TO RUN MY COUNTRY,i mean thats gotta mess with somebody's mind. I JUST DONT WANT TO HAVE TO LISTEN TO MCCAINS ANNOYING REPUBLICAN VOICE EVERYDAY

Palin is the governor of Alaska, she has more responsibilities then Obama, who was just a senator.

Dude you need to know that mccain is not gonna die that quick his mom is 96 and hes probably gonna live that long too and palin has great ideas if you actually listen to a speech and not just listen to all the news that hate palin listen to the news watch hannity and colmes Hannity will actually tell you the truth and Obama is inexperiensed he doesnt know whats going on in the usa and the worst thing obama has done is that he is friends with terrorists and hes going to take are troops out of iraq and if you think that is fine lets watch your place get bombed...........( no offense )

It's funny that proof shows Biden has been wrong at least 94% of the time he has voted! (*He didn't vote yay or nay- he voted WRONG!!)

mCCAIN IS A SHOOTING STAR! (*that explains a lot of things)

And yes, I am also a Obama voter, but very slightly, because no offence, but mcain would be just as good as my 14-year old brother for president who sits in class all day making deathlists!

Not to offend anyone,I think Pailin is a better choice because she has spunk and she is not affraid of a fight.I have nothing agenst Joe, I just beleve that The United States of America needs spunk and something new. (*list of American wants: 1) stable economy, 2) accessible health care, 3) spunk)

sarah palin isn't just a hockey mom, she stopped the bridge to nowhere!

What's so wrong with Palin? She ran alaska, AKA the BIGGEST state in America. She could run this United states very nicely. And just because her son or whoever played hockey that makes her bad??

Obama had all these people and he picked Joe Biden, that's like going in Baskin Robins and orfering vanilla.

the only thing i don't like about biden is that he wants to add an extra 4 years of schooling, because i don't want to be in school when i am 20 years old (*yeah, 20 is so old and totally not an appropriate age to be in school!)

i personally think that not only would obama DESTROY the economy but that he is also a terrorist !!!! i think that his mother was sent to america so obama would be born here and be raised to be a president when he becomes older and DESTROy america!!!!... think about it long and hard before judging me... how about his father... HES A TERRORIST! thats their plan all along. WE NEED TO SAVE AMERICA!!

If we had a third party then what would it stand for? I think the two parties we have now cover the two opposite sides pretty well. PS: I'm a REPUBLICAN!

You don't need experiance to run the United States. What you do need to have is knowladge, but not just any knowledge you have to haave knowledge about the issues and the people, not how to find more gas. (*this one was news to me!)

Honistly bush never did anything. People say he sent us to war, wrong. Te goverment has the power to send us to war, the president doesn't. Taxes Aren't Raised becuase of the president, the goverment does it. none of this was bush's fualt, or many other residents' either.

clinton was president 8 years ago and he could have made changes and just to let you know he has been doing major scandals that hurt the us

If people want to be angry about the war. Be angry at congress because the president loses that battle. Congress declares war. The president just announces it really.

obama isnt the right choice
millions of people die in iraq
but im sure they died happily
because they were fighting for the USA,
for fredom!

My parents want McCain. As they say, you grow by your parents footsteps. they have voted a lot and I know its KIDS pick the president but I am just going in my parents footsteps. I REALLY FEEL SORRY THOUGH! (*that's probably the scariest one of all!)

For all we know, both of them could be lying to all of us. Don't lose faith, though.


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