A random assortment of my daily activities and ponderings. Maybe it will be boring, maybe it will be mind-blowingly exhiliarting. It is a grand experiment in exploring the brilliance of this thing those crazy kids are calling the "World Wide Web".

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Crazy Things Happened on the Way to the Sheriff's Office

First of all, sorry to disappoint, but I was just meeting the ol' Sheriff to get fingerprints for an application, no crime sprees lately. Second of all, I just saw an awful lot of things that made me laugh during this short, 40 minute round trip.

-Made more hilarious by a conversation about just such a problem with one Ms. Wankum, I saw so, so many people with political stickers on their cars. Like, maybe 30. Some were for Obama, so I guess maybe you're still celebrating? Others were for McCain and, hey, that's okay, he's a good guy. Others, slightly more embarrassing, were for Palin?? I'm going to guess that they're either devising a plan to turn an 08 into a 12 or, more likely, they're just protecting their paint job. In general, haven't we moved on to car magnets people??

-I saw a lady, hauling it up a huge hill on Arapahoe Rd with a giant cello strapped to her back.

-The man AT the fingerprinting station was absolutely unintelligable, but I caught a few words. I heard "mumble mumble...dirty...muble...sink (points to the sink)...mumble mumble mumble soap and water". Given that your hands need to be clean to take prints, I take this to mean "if your hands are dirty, wash them in the sink with soap and water!" When I start to do so he, much more clearly, exclaims, "NO! Oh...well, go on and finish now that you've already started." I was confused, but not as confused as I was AFTER the printing when he handed me a special towel to get the ink off of my hands and ushered me out the door. Soooooo, was the sink just for demonstration?

-There was a car, parked in the parking lot of the Sheriff's office, with a Christmas tree lashed to the roof. What the???

-On another Christmas note, I have long ago accepted that radio stations will begin playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving. I don't like it, but with the help of my therapist and a team of anger management specialists, I can cope. However, it emphatically IS TOO EARLY to play Christmas music sung by Chipmunks. That crap, cutesy, but by no means good or even entertaining (or Christmassy?) is only worth one mildly humored chuckle. Do you really want to waste it on November 20th? Poor marketing, 'munks.

-When I came back to the office (3pm) almost everyone had left! It's like, oh the (former!) intern is gone so we can all jet. I carry a lot of power here, so I understand, I'm just disappointed.


Blogger Marcus said...

me, I want a hoola-hoop

1:23 PM

Blogger shannanana said...

Do you believe in fate? I do!

I used to read this blog religiously and seemed destined to stumble upon it again today. **Funny (but necessary) side story** I'm not a stalker, I swear, but I google imaged a person I used to work with because the current gossip is saying she's had a make over. I'm browsing results unsuccessfully when I see a picture of none other than THE Hay Whitay (surrounded by celeb pix... I didn't realize she was so cool!) Naturally, I forget the original reason I was on the internet and start doing some major blog catch up. This made me think, why did I stop reading "lifecanberandom" to begin with?


I recall a gloomy Omaha winter... It was filled with Chemistry yet it lacked roommates and neighbors that spoke English and ate non-smelly food. I attempted to escape this reality and revel in the comedic reality of another, only to find that no new post has been made. A procrastinator is extremely loyal to all forms of distraction: Week after week, month after month, I checked for updates - - always with no result. Even the most desperate of my kind can only hold on to a broken dream for so long. But now, it seems that google has known all along that I was destined to read this girl's random thoughts yet again!

And, as it turns out, these random thoughts sometimes include me! This is ultimately the reason I have commented here. To acknowledge my role and contribution to the crazy things that happened on the way to the sheriff's office (almost 4 months ago).

12:30 PM


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