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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Phenomenologically speaking....

I would like to personally thank my chemistry 21 professor Weeks, for introducing me to the wondrous vocabularic feat that is "phenomenological". It is possible the greatest word ever (if I can get it out in one try). So anyone out there who is in my class or has taken Weeks before knows what I am talking about. If we haven't heard "phenomenological" or "phenomenologically" at least 5 or 6 times a class period (often that many times within a span of a few sentences), the only conclusion for us to make is that someone has stolen our professor and replaced him with some sort of malfunctioning bot. At first it was terribly annoying because what kind of man can say "phenomenologically" every few minutes without fail but cannot spell "compile", "measure", "temperature", "energy", "pressure", "equation", or "natural log". Now it's just humorous. Phenomenologically speaking we're starting a phenomenological tally of how many times he can phenomenologically use that phenomenologic word!! It'll be phenomenological!!!

By the way, if anyone has a clear definition of what this word actually means- do share. Jolly good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phenomenology : the philosophical investigation and description of conscious experience in all its varieties without reference to the question of whether what is experienced is objectively real

:in philosophy, the science or study of phenomena, things as they are perceived, as opposed to the study of being, the nature of things as they are

Quite obviously, Weeks does not perceive his students as ‘real,’ yet he ‘feels’ your pain…as he inflicts it…

6:38 AM


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