Indexing, please
You know what I think would be really frustrating if I were a smart person that had studied and written some really smart things? If people cite my work in their CLEARLY inferior articles, notebooks, and textbooks and then I'm not even in the index!! It's like hey, so my life's work was important enough to quote several times throughout your second-rate textbook which is only made sufferable by the graceful presence of my own studies, but not important enough to be in the index?? I would take personal offense. My name being left out of the index would be like salt in the wound. The authors are kind of like, well uhhhhh we're just going to assume that, despite our extensive use of this referenced work, no one in their sane and mildly competent mind would ever, EVER want to look it up for further re-examination in the text.
Do I sound bitter? All I wanted was to REREAD SVEN GODLUND'S DILEMMA IN RELATING LOCAL OPTIMIZATIONS IN HEALTH CARE SERVICES AS THEY RELATE TO TERRITORIAL JUSTICE IN SWEDEN!!!!!!!!!! For crying out loud! The book is flipping 600 pages and the closest direction in the index is to GOITER.
Sven- me and you man, solidarity.
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