Happiness is...
I'm not even going to go through the whole "it's been awhile since I've posted" thing. Because, in all honesty, I think I have proven very very well that I am dreadfully inconsistent at best. Today I just felt MOVED to write about some things that made me happy on this glorious Friday. Or perhaps I'm putting off the final touches on my physics lab? Probably both. Okay, here are some things that made me smile today:
A) A weird deja vu moment in the quad between Carroll and Gardner when I remembered seeing Sean May almost take a head dive on the brick path leading to Polk Place. I don't remember if that happened before or after winning the championship, but if it was after, I totally wish he had fallen. Is that mean? I just like amusement.
B) While I was waiting for my tea water to boil, I gazed longingly out of the 3rd floor Ehaus kitchen window as I often do (Gone with the Wind-esque, right?) and I got to see one of the most potentially comedically tragic scenes play out before my eyes. The RU bus was at the bus stop and a few stragglers were absolutely running from different directions to try to catch the bus before it left. As they were reaching the stop, a girl (henceforth named Hobbles) on crutches, nay- a girl carrying her crutches so that she could limp/move as fast as possible- appears on the scene, hobbling with all of her might from Ehaus to the bus stop. At this point, I was conflicted as to whether I wanted to see her make the bus or not. It would really suck for her if she didn't, but the hobbling with crutches in-hand was....amusing. I'm actually in therapy to work out why I cruelly value the crippled only for their comedic contributions to my life. Well, she made the bus. Sigh.
C) As I left my physics lab review session I saw one of UNC's top-paid, grant supported physics/astronomical science research professors shoving his face full of M&Ms as he dashed out of his office. Dude, share.
D) My physics lab TA gave us some helpful advice. He said whenever the final question on our report asked us to share what we learned in that lab, we can answer it however we want and he will not take points off for it. His justification? "I don't give a flip. You guys could write down, 'while doing this lab, I learned how to play basketball' and that is clearly not true, but hey, what do I know? Maybe you did." I love this man. (I just wish he would love my lab reports a little more...)
E) I got stuck walking up the hill from lower quad to Phillips behind an incredibly short, incredibly SLOW little girl person. Wait, this did not make me happy. Oh that's right, it made ME FURIOUS!!! That might be extreme, but do you know how fast you can make it up that hill if your legs are longer than pudding pops?
But overall, the day was happy. I especially liked watching Hobbles run for the bus. Haha.