Sunday, May 22, 2005
Special Olympics
I feel like I'm losing at the Special Olympics. Like, I'm failing miserably but it's okay because we're all winners. Right. I don't like failing at life at ALL, this needs to be fixed.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Summer Job
The search for a summer job is soooooooooo frustrating!! AAAAAAAH! I'm getting so desperate I went into Petco yesterday to ask for an application. No offense to any of you who work at Petco.... Anyways, this sucks!
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
The Miracle of Sound, and THEN some

Okay, I was looking at a nerdy science website about sound waves and I came across this picture. But if you're anything like me, you see the compression of air to make sound waves as a much less immediate problem to the man in pink than the giant CANNON pointed in his direction! But for the record, he'll hear it first. Sound is just that fast.

Monday, May 09, 2005
Chem and Country Music
My last two finals went fairly splendidly. I stayed up until 4:30am Thursday night after the *awesome* PCM pancake dinner, got up at 7 and hit my final at 8. I was super alert (unexpectedly...) and I killed the free response. The multiple choice, well, um....was hard. NO MORE WEEKS!! Woohooo! No more of my questions being greeted with the familiar, "well I don't mean to embarrass you but," or "you KNOW this". Exxxxxxcellent.
Country music was fun, as always. It was harder than the midterm, but she gave us the easiest essay question off the list, so it's all kosher! It was especially fun when she only played about 20 seconds of Kenny Rogers' "Lucille" and probably a minute and a half of Shania Twain's "Any Man of Mine".
Anyhow, packing stinks. My life will not fit in these two suitcases, and it is sad. Check back with me on that one. I'll be the one in the corner jumping up and down on the duffel bag---> it is my Everest!!
Only 1 more day in Chapel Hill! :(
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
So how much does exam week suck? I was pretty dang proud of myself because I started studying for finals over a week in advance and then, Sunday night BAM it hit me! Alas, I had only been studying for one final, leaving my Monday Pyschology final rather out in the dark as they say. That's where living on South Campus gets to rack up a few more points on the list of cool because the walk to Carroll takes approximately 20 minutes at the pace of a leisurely stroll. Why is this cool, you ask? 20-minute walk = 20 minutes of Psych studying, woohoo! So yes, in retrospect, that final may have required a slightly greater amount of review and yes, I will be saying that to a more emphasized degree when our grades our posted, but hey- I was super stressed about it for those 20 minutes. And let me just introject here that the world may never know what Hayley White got on her final exam in Psych 10 because, of course, someone (who will remain nameless) forgot to bubble in her (or his!) PID on the test. Eh.
Hmmmmm, next is biology. There are no words. I will stand up and take full credit for the expansive VOLUME of information I studied for this exam. I spent hours and hours and hours studying- I went back through the entire semester's worth of powerpoints AND homework problems, redoing EVERYthing. I know, amazing, right? Of course there's a twist. I realize on Tuesday evening (the night before the exam) that Unit 4 is equal to HALF of the exam all on its lonesome. Awesome. The unit that I had only spent approximately 1/2 an hour of all this madness looking over (it'll be fresh in my head....right? Wrong.). So with the words of my roommate, "Yay College!" floating in an ironic manner in my head, I stayed up past 1 studying for the test, tried to fall asleep but was so wired and shaking so badly that I couldn't fall asleep until almost 3. Wake up call at 7 for my 8am exam. Exxxxxcellent. Now that you're on the edge of your seat, I think it went great. Superb. Renews my faith in studying as a means to a rewarding end. And erases any memory of a time in which I actually believed that getting plenty of sleep the night before an exam was key to your success. Highs and lows? Well Blair, who was sitting next to me, might hold a different opinion, but whacking my head as hard as humanly possible on the chair in front of me not 5 minutes into the exam and having a quarter of the class, plus two professors, flashing me looks of death was definitely a LOW. Ha. I can't wait for therapy...The best part of the 2 hour ordeal was that, circa 9:15am I began to sing that song the Bball team sang at their "homecoming" in the Dean Dome in my head-- "Don't even worrrrrrrrrry, we're gonna maaaaaaaaake it"-- and yes, that's the only line I know and YES, hearing it over and over again for almost 45 minutes IS enough to drive someone completely up the wall. But hey, at least it was a motivational song. Lord knows how that test would have gone with some "It's a Small World" action....
And then (insert dramatic music) came Italian. Did I study for Italian? Yes. Figuratively speaking. (Incorrect use of that term? Probably.) I studied for an hour Tuesday night and for about an hour and a half after the bio exam. It was NOT enough. Man, Italian used to be my easy class. I switched the subjunctive and the imperative for a good portion of the test (that was fixed...), made up a tense of my own (it had totally believable endings too!), left a few words in English (just for good measure), and managed to be the last one out by about 20 minutes. Sorry Giosue'! And the 200 word passage we had to write at the end of the test? Hmmm, yeah that was interesting, but not really. I ran out of things to say after 120ish words and just started making up people and describing what they do and why they like life. If you said my vocabulary was limited, you would be making more than a little of an understatement. Hooray for ONE more semester of graded Italian in my lifetime! No really, I like it. But I really don't like hard tests. I was not chipper. AND the final was in Philips which just brought back all SORTS of unhappy memories of last semester. Haha- Kevin. Sooooooooooooooooo.... oh man, I'd like to say that someone out there knows what I'm talking about, but seeing as only about 8 of us survived/stayed awake in that class, I'm going to go ahead and assume that everyone has ceased reading my blog, either out of intense boredom or the desire to go STUDY for your finals.
Um, what was I talking about again? Oh right, this is why you all stopped reading this a long time ago. Neat. And yet, you're all going to check back in about 3 days to hear about my adventures in chemistry, country music, and PACKING (aka, where the heck am I going to put all this stuff?!) Thank goodness for PCM cookout tomorrow!