And then I realized, you know what? It's all going to be okay. Be nice. Do good. Have fun. And maybe have a milkshake now and again!
A random assortment of my daily activities and ponderings. Maybe it will be boring, maybe it will be mind-blowingly exhiliarting. It is a grand experiment in exploring the brilliance of this thing those crazy kids are calling the "World Wide Web".
And then I realized, you know what? It's all going to be okay. Be nice. Do good. Have fun. And maybe have a milkshake now and again!
Aw Dolly Parton... are we all really just islands in the stream? That's IT?! I might have to get Kenny Rogers' opinion on that...
Well I guess I'll get what are probably the last of my Dr. Lawson quotes posted. Shinkman's back....shuddddddddder, so he'll probably lecture for the last week and a half. Anyway, here you go!
I finally conquered my fear. I am meeting 1 on 1 with my biology teacher- eek! He is so TALL. No laughing allowed, I am so intimidated by this man. But alas, I have set up an appointment with him for the sole purpose of trying to understand the more-scientific-than-it-sounds concept of DNA slippage. 1 irrational fear down, approximately 3 to go (drowning, hand injuries, and styrofoam). The no laughing rule still applies here- you're all just as big of freaks as I am, admit it!!
Sheesh, you guys gotta keep on me about these Dr. Lawson quotes. I write them all over the place and then forget to post them!! Here are the newest....
Today. Chemisty. Me. Asleep. Class ends. Me. Still asleep. Other class. Comes in. Me. STILL asleep. Me. Embarrassed.
We have completed our lives in relay!! 24 hours was a looooong time, but I had a lot of fun anyway! I mean, come on, you can't go wrong with PJ the DJ and his name-unknown (but we will call him Gaptooth) DJ buddy. Because I LOVE blaring hip-hop at 6am! My legs may be sore, and my face may be sunburned beyond recognition, but Team Scrumptulescent Relayers rocks my world! We do it all for the cancer people...